A primary school in the United States while his 8-year-old because she has body odor. Unmitigated, in the last six months, the boy brought home by as much as 24 times.
Krystal Hensley, mother of unnamed boy, telling her daughter that happens to return, in October, December, February and last week. His daughter repatriated because his classmates and his teacher complaining of body odor of his daughter.
As a mother, Krystal sad to hear the reason school return his daughter. In fact, he claimed to have checked her son to the doctor. The result of missing checks inside the Princess.
"They only say it stinks," said Krystal in Tennessee to a cable TV station such as WJHL written news website News.com.au, Thursday (4/4/2013).
The original Washington County women were also admitted that her daughter always bathe every day. But the fruit of the heart that's often forgotten when he had a bath.
"He bathed every day, but when they asked the last time he showered and he doesn't remember. He's been to the doctor and it's not a medical problem. You go to school to learn, not to be sent home, "said Krystal.
Source: http://www.republika.co.id/berita/senggang/unik/13/04/04/mkqgay-bau-badan-bocah-di-amerika-dipulangkan-dari-sekolah
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